adiunkt w jednostce Wydział "Artes Liberales"
Oleksandra Iwaniuk
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Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Koordynowane przedmioty
2023Z - An Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe 3700-ISSC-23-ICE
2023Z - An Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe 3700-ISSC-ICE23-OG
2023Z - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy 3700-AL-ISP-qDP
2023L - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Multiple Connections 3700-ISSC-23-PCIMC
2023L - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Multiple Connections 3700-ISSC-PCIMC23-OG
2023L - Understanding Ukraine Through Literature 3700-AL-UUTL-qDP
2024Z - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy 3700-AL-ISP-OG
2024Z - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy 3700-AL-ISP-qDP
2024Z - Poland – Ukraine: History, Politics and Mutual Perceptions 3700-AL-PUHPM-OG
2024Z - Poland – Ukraine: History, Politics and Mutual Perceptions 3700-AL-PUHPM-QSP
2024Z - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Connections 3700-AL-PCIC-OG
2024Z - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Connections 3700-AL-PCIC-QSP
2024Z - Populism and Social Change 3700-ISSC-24-PSC
Prowadzone przedmioty
2023Z - Poland – Ukraine Relations: Memory Conflicts and Ways to Reconciliation 3700-AL-PURMC-QSP:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Multiple Connections 3700-ISSC-23-PCIMC:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Multiple Connections 3700-ISSC-PCIMC23-OG:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2024Z - Poland – Ukraine: History, Politics and Mutual Perceptions 3700-AL-PUHPM-OG:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2024Z - Poland – Ukraine: History, Politics and Mutual Perceptions 3700-AL-PUHPM-QSP:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2024Z - Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Connections 3700-AL-PCIC-OG:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)