Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Chemii - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
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Theories and histories of architecture in Early Modern Europe 1400–1600

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: 3105-TAH1416-WE
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: 03.6 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (0222) Historia i archeologia Kod ISCED - Międzynarodowa Standardowa Klasyfikacja Kształcenia (International Standard Classification of Education) została opracowana przez UNESCO.
Nazwa przedmiotu: Theories and histories of architecture in Early Modern Europe 1400–1600
Jednostka: Instytut Historii Sztuki
Grupy: Wykład z epok
Punkty ECTS i inne: 5.00 Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Rodzaj przedmiotu:


Skrócony opis:

Lectures will focus on fundamental change in theory of architecture between 1600 and 1800 and on the novel methods of conceptualizing the built form in the wake of shifts in contemporary science and culture, as well as on diverse narratives concerning history of architecture and vernacular building.

Pełny opis:

The point of departure for the course will be an analysis of Vincenzo Scamozzi’s L’idea dell’architettura universale (1615), the critical theoretical text summing up the Vitruvian tradition and re-defining architecture as a science, rather than one of the fine arts. Subsequent lectures will focus on the most important architectural treatises, which from the early 1600s were published primarily in France, demonstrating gradual loss of artistic hegemony by Italy and the growing domination of French academic doctrines throughout Europe. The works investigated will range from those by Pierre Le Muet, through challenging books by Claude Perrault to a humble volume on residential architecture by pseudo-Opaliński aimed at landed gentry in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Publications offering novel theoretical precepts underpinning contemporary design, based on developments in early modern science (such as introduction of projective geometry evident in Guarino Guarini’s celebrated projects) will be a subject of comprehensive study. New approaches to history of architecture diverging from the classical tradition (from Caramuel y Lobkowitz to John Wood) will also be subjected to an in-depth investigation. A variety of contemporary texts containing reflection on architecture, but not formulated in the form of a canonical “treatise”, will be equally closely examined. In this category are popular architectural manuals, handbooks for artisans, pattern-books, as well as newspaper articles, broadsheets, country-house guidebooks (accompanying the arrival of tourism), novels (including the famous Gothic novels) and many other texts contributing to architectural discourse in early modern Europe. All the written sources and visual material will be analyzed to demonstrate complex intermeshing between contemporary architecture and early modern culture in its diverse manifestations, revealing their ideological underpinnings (class, race, and gender discourses).


Selected Literature

Archer, J., The Literature of British Domestic Architecture 1715-1842, Cambridge Mass., 1985.

Arciszewska, B. & McKellar, E., eds., Articulating British Classicism: New Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Architecture, London 2004.

Arciszewska, B., Classicism and Modernity. Architectural Thought in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Warsaw, 2011.

Arciszewska, B. “Vincenzo Scamozzi and architectural discourse in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth c. 1600-1800,” in Vincenzo Scamozzi teoretico europeo, ed. F. Barbieri, Vicenza, 2016, 230-252.

Arciszewska, B., Review of The Encyclopaedic Dictionary in the Eighteenth Century. Architecture, Arts and Crafts, Terrence M. Russell ed., Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997, in: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 58, nr.1, March 1999, s.79-82.

Battisti, A., Andrea Pozzo e il suo tempo, Milan 1996.

Beltramini G. et al., eds, Palladio and Northern Europe. Books, Travellers, Architects, Milan, 1999.

Berthold, M., Joseph Furttennbach (1591-1667). Architektur-Theoretiker und Stadtbaumeister in Ulm, Munich 1952.

Bonet Correa, A., red., Juan Caramuel de Lobkovitz. Arquitectura recta y obliqua, Madrid 1984.

Braham, A., The Architecture of the French Enlightenment, Berkeley, 1980.

Ciofetta, S., “Lo Studio d’architettura civile edito da Domenico De’Rossi (1702, 1711, 1721), in: In Urbe Architectus, Rome 1991, s. 214-228.

Dobai, J., Die Kunstliteratur des Klassizismus und der Romantik in England, 2 vols, Bern, 1974-75.

Fichet, F., La theorie architecturale à l’âge classique, Brussels 1979.

Forssman, E., Palladios Lehrgebäude. Studien über den Zuisammenhang von Architektur…, Stockholm 1965.

Friedman, T., James Gibbs. 1984.

Harris, J., Sir William Chambers, London 1970

Hart, V., Hicks, P. eds., Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise New Haven, 1997.

Hernández, A., Grundzüge einer Ideengeschichte der französischen Architekturtheorie von 1560-1800, Basle 1972.

Herrmann, W., Laugier and Eighteenth-Century French Theory, London 1962.

Kaufmann, E., Architecture in the Age of Reason, Cambridge 1968.

Köhler, B., “Architektur ist die Kunst gut zu bauen”. Charles Augustin D’Avilers “Cours d’architecture qui comprend les Ordres de Vignole”, Berlin 1997.

Kruft, H. W., History of Architectural Theory: From Vitruvius to the Present, Princeton, 1996.

Kubler, G., Arquitectura de los siglos XVII y XVIII, Madrid 1957.

Kutscher, B., Paul Deckers “Fürstlicher Baumeister” (1711/1716), Frankfurt/Main 1995.

Le Muet, P., Manière de bastir pour toutes sortes de personnes..., with introduction and notes by Claude Mignot, Aix-en-Provence, 1981.

Lenzi, D., J. Bentini, red. I Bibiena: una famiglia europea, Venice 2000.

Lorenz, H., Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, Zurich 1992.

Lorenz, H., “Leonhard Christoph Sturms “Prodromus Architecturae Goldmannianae”, Niederdeutsche Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte, 34, 1995, s.119-144.

Messina, M. G., “Teoria dell'architettura in G.B. Piranesi,” in: Controspazio, 1970, 6, s.6-13.

Middleton, R., “The Abbé de Cordemoy and the Graeco-Gothic Ideal: A Prelude to Romantic Classicism,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtald Institute, 25, 1962, s. 278-320 & 26, 1963, s. 90-123.

Müller, W., “The Authenticity of Guarini’s Stereotomy in His Architettura Civile, Journal of the History of Architectural Historians, 27, 1968, s. 202-208.

Philipp, K. J., Um 1800. Architekturtheorie und Architekturkritik in Deutschland zwischen 1790 und 1810, Stuttgart, 1997.

Picon, A., Architectes et ingénieurs au siècle des lumières, Marseilles, 1988.

Pozzillo, I., Francesco Milizia: teorico e storico delI'architettura, Naples 1971.

Robinson, E., “Optics and Mathematics in the Domed Churches of Gurarino Guarini, JSAH, 50, 1991, s. 384-401.

Ruhl, C., Palladio bears away the Palm. Zur Ästhetisierung palladianischer Architektur in England, Hildesheim 2003.

Rykwert, J., The first moderns: the architects of the eighteenth century, Cambridge, Mass. 1980.

Stutchbury, H., The Architecture of Colen Campbell, Manchester 1967.

Tafuri, M., “Cesare Cesariano e gli studi vitruviani del Quattrocento, in: Scritti rinascimentali di architettura, A. Bruschi et al., red., Milan 1978, s. 387f.

Tavernor R., Palladio and Palladianism, London 1991.

Thoenes, C., et al., red., Architectural Theory from the Renaissance to the Present, Cologne 2003.

Vidler, A., Claude-Nicolas Ledoux. Architecture and Social Reform at the End of the Ancien Régime, Cambridge (Mass.), 1990.

Wenzel, C. "...von wegen den Kupfer zu sparen". Der böhmische Baumeister Abraham Leuthner und die Traktatliteratur im 17. Jahrhundert, Marburg 1998.

Wiebenson, D., 'Documents of Social Change. Publications about the Small House', in: R. Cohen ed., Studies in eighteenth-century British art and aesthetics, Berkeley, 1985.

Wiebenson, D. et al., Architectural theory and practice from Alberti to Ledoux, Chicago 1982.

Wittkower, R., "Piranesi's Architectural Creed" in: Studies in the Italian Baroque, Boulder, 1975, s., 235-246.

Wolsdorff, C., "Englische Publikationen des achtzehnten Jahrhundrts zu 'architecture' und 'building'," in: G. C. Rump ed., Kunst und Kunsttheorie des XVIII. Jahrunderts in England. Studien zum Wandel ästhetischer Anschauungen 1650-1830, Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1979, p.30-41.

Efekty uczenia się:

During classes students master the key paradigms of early modern architectural theory and history, while acquiring skills in analytical examination of the built form and learning the foundations of interpretive discourses concerning early modern architecture, understood as part of contemporary culture.

In particular:

K2_W02; student acquires specialized terminology within the field of art and architectural history.

K2_W03; student acquires methodical and comprehensive knowledge of art history and related fields, including terminology, theories and methodologies of the discipline (Baugeschichte, formal analysis, interpretations of meaning), with particular emphasis on architectural theory of early modern period.

K2_W04; student acquires methodical, in-depth and detailed knowledge (leading to specialization in architectural theory) within the research fields related to art history as a scientific discipline.

K2_W05; student acquires detailed knowledge about contemporary scientific achievements and research schools (ANT, spatial studies, sensory approaches) relevant for architectural theory and history.

K2_W06; student acquires specialized knowledge allowing for integration of scholarly perspectives typical for a variety of scientific disciplines aiding architectural history (such as mapping, CAD-reconstructions, Actor-Network Theory, spatial studies, sensory approaches and post-structural perspectives in social history).

K2_W07; student acquires and comprehends advanced methods of analysis, interpretation and problematization of diverse cultural objects, both material, such as the built form and urban/spatial design, as well as immaterial (theoretical discourses) and is capable of employing appropriate research tools developed within specific methodological traditions, theories and research schools within the disciplines of art and architectural history.

K2_U02; graduate is able to deploy specialized research skills needed for conceiving original solutions to complex research problems within architectural history. These competences include: analysis of works of other scholars, ability to synthesize diverse ideas and opinions, proficiency in selection of methods and construction of suitable research instruments, skills in formulation and presentation of research results.

K2_U10; graduate demonstrates ability to use foreign language skills in accordance with requirements defined for level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

K2_K04 graduate acquires ability to correctly identify and solve dilemmas related to professional practice of architectural history, understands the necessity to obey ethical norms in practising architectural history and in popularizing knowledge within this field.

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

Evaluation based on 8-10-page essay as well as active class participation.

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2023/24" (zakończony)

Okres: 2023-10-01 - 2024-01-28
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Wykład, 30 godzin, 15 miejsc więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: Barbara Arciszewska
Prowadzący grup: Barbara Arciszewska
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Egzamin
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